September 2016 Archives

TOKYO- Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV) is pleased to announce the launch of "EV  Mobility Design Contest for International Students 2017."

Since 2013 APEV has organized "EV Super Micro Mobility Design Contest for International Students" in conjunction with the Tokyo Motor Show. 

The purpose of the contest is to foster students who will lead the next generation, through designing electric vehicles with a broad range of possibilities.

APEV would also like to raise the global interest by showing the concept and scheme of the mobility society and new approaches to the environment issues,with the creativity and planning ability for the designs. 

The overview of "EV Mobility Design Contest for International Students 2017" is as follows.

APEV looks forward to many applications from students all over the world and appreciate supports from business corporations and organizations.   
Wide media coverage is also highly welcome.   

■Contest Overview

 To propose a design of the future mobility which maximizes the use of zero-emission EV and the way how such future mobility will be involved in the society.  
<Head of Screening Committee>
 Mr. Shiro Nakamura ( Senior Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. )
 October 2016: Announcement of the application guidelines
 January 2017: Announcement of the screening committee members and start of accepting application 
 April 2017: First screening
 July 2017: Second screening 
 Fall 2017: Final screening and award ceremony 
 (The schedule is subject to change without notice.)
<Works and website from the Contest in 2015>
 Link to the Contest in 2015:

★Please refer pdf file in full detail.

Gen Yasujima   EV Design Contest Secretary-General 
Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo  113-0033, JAPAN
 Tel: +81-50-3736-8325   FAX: +81-50-3153-2686

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