To whom it may concern,

 We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued 
cooperation with our activities.
Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an "
EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024 we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 by New 
Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated program 
The final presentation and award ceremony will be held as follows.
We look forward to your participation.	


■Date and time: Saturday , November 9, 2024, 13:00-17: 00 , followed by 
a social gathering
■Location : 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan, University of 
Tokyo, Fukutake Hall, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, 
2nd basement floor Fukutake Learning Theater (take the central elevator 
to the second basement  floor and go to the end on the left)
Theater info:

■Content and timetable (subject to change without notice )
12:45 Doors open
13:00 Opening remarks
13:04 Explanation of the International Workshop and Introduction of 
Selection Committee
13:13 Participating team presentations and Q&A: 6 teams x (5-minute 
presentations + Q&A ) 
14:53 Break
15:03 Discussion with participating teams (WS3) 
(The selection meeting is held in a separate room during this time.)
16:03 Break
16:10 Award ceremony
16:50 Thank you speech
16:55 Commemorative photo of speakers
17:00 End
17:15-18:00 Reception in the foyer in front of the Fukutake Learning 
Theater (free to attend)

■How to apply: Free admission
Please fill Peatix form below and submit it by October 31st.
An automatic confirmation email will be sent to you.

Please present your two business cards or Peatix ticket at the reception 
on the day .

++++++++++++Workshop Overview +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

◇Name: [Create 2030 by New Mobility] International Workshop

◇Theme:"Create 2030 by new mobility "[Proposal for X-City]

◇Objective:"Develop integrated human resources who will lead the next 
Integrated human resources (*) Opportunity to develop architects 
through workshops.
(*)Refers to an individual with a solid vision and insightful 
perspective, extending beyond the expertise surrounding mobility to 
encompass design and engineering realms.
Acquire expertise regarding" Art/Design" "Philosophy" and "Technology" 
while also understanding "Sustainability & Human Society."
It is defined as an individual with comprehensive skills who integrates 
various fields and establishes a platform for project cooperation

◇ Structure
■Organized by: "Creating 2030 by New  Mobility" Executive Committee
■Secretariat: Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
■Sponsors: Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and 
Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, 
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan,
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary 
Information Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan Automobile 
Manufacturers Association
■Selection Committee: (in alphabetical order)
・Mr.Toshiya Ando: CEO of X-Style
・MS.Yuko Iida: Automobile critic, member of the Japan Automobile 
Journalist Association, and member of the Japan Car of the Year 
selection committee
・Ms.Matsumoto Hiroko: Joshibi University of Art and Design, Director of 
the Institute, Vice President, Professor of the Department of Co-
Creative Design, Faculty of Art
・Mr.Akihiro Yanaka: CEO of Lean Mobility Co.,Ltd.
・Sponsored by 3 Ministries
・Mr.Masanori Suzuki: Chairperson of APEV
・Mr.Nobuhiro Tajima: President of APEV

◇Application Guidelines
Eligibility:Students aged 15 to 30 as of April 2024
Entry Fee: Free
Teams can be formed across organizations(Up to 6 people).
Participants are required to register on a social media platform 
specified by the organizer and respond promptly to various information.
Concept proposals must be submitted in English. (You may also include 
your native language.)

◇Prizes and prizes
Environment Minister's Award: 100,000 yen + certificate
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award: 100,000 yen + certificate
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award: 100,000 
yen + certificate
Special Award: Selected by the selection committee - Gifts, experiences, 
etc. + Certificate

◇Overall Schedule
Kickoff press conference: February 4th
Pre-Workshop (WS) (online): April 20th
Concept proposal deadline: May 17th
Selection meeting: May 29th
Workshop 1 (WS1) (real-life + online): June 29th
Workshop 2 (WS2) (real + online): August 24th
Final presentation and award ceremony and WS3 (real): November 9th

◇Calling for sponsors and supporters
We plan to continue holding this workshop in 2025 and are looking for 
sponsors and supporters. If you are interested, please contact the 
Executive Committee Secretariat listed below.

★Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
  TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
To whom it may concern:

      Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV )
       "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee

Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an "
EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 

In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content.

We would like to report that Workshop 2 (WS2) was held by the 12 teams 
that passed the selection process, as detailed below.


■Date and time: Saturday, August 24, 2024, 10:30-17:00

■Venue: Fukutake Hall, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, 
University of Tokyo
Online participation (Zoom) available from overseas and remote locations

■ Contents Overview
・Organizers' self-introduction
・Presentations from participating teams: The 12 teams that passed 
 the selection process were reorganized into 6 teams, and each team 
 presented their proposal and received comments from the selection 
 committee and the organizer's supporters.
・At the workshop, the selection committee and supporters gave 
 advice to each team on Expanding stakeholders, etc.
・Outline of Workshop 3 (Final Selection & Award Ceremony):
  Details will be announced later.
 Date and time: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 13:00-17:00
 Venue: Learning Theater, Fukutake Hall, University of Tokyo,
  Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
・Summary: Review of the whole event and announcement of future plans

■Click here for the slides of the day's presentation:
You can see information about the speakers, participating teams, and 

■Click here for the report with photos.

■Special website for "Create 2030 by new Mobility" International 

■We are currently looking for sponsors and supporters.
  If you are interested, please contact us at the address listed below.
  TEL:+81-50-3375-4937   E-mail

* Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV)is 
 recruiting members.
  Please feel free to contact our secretariat.

●Website: ●Mail

●Membership information page
□ Regular Member (for companies): Annual fee: 100,000 yen 
□ Supporting members (for individuals): Annual fee: 10,000 yen
□ Special membership (for government agencies, public offices, and media 
personnel): Annual fee: Free
To whom it may concern:

       Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV )
       "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee

 Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content.
 We would like to report that Workshop 1 (WS1) was held by the 12 teams 
that passed the selection process, as detailed below.


■Date and time: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 10:30-17:30
■Venue: Fukutake Hall, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, 
University of Tokyo
    Online participation (Zoom) available from overseas and remote 

■ Contents Overview
・Introduction of APEV and international workshops
・Organizer self-introduction
・Presentations from participating teams: Selected teams wre given 5 
minutes to present their proposals
・Matching & Teaming: The organizer will propose team formation
・Message from Selection Committee Member Mr.Toshiya Ando 
・First half of the workshop: Using the Mandala chart to broaden your 
perspective on what mobility can do
・Second half of the workshop: Set a team theme based on the concept 
proposals of team members 
  (using persona sheets)
  During the workshop, supporters from the organizers were on hand to 
give advice to each team.
・Workshop results presentation: Each team presented what they discussed 
in the workshop and their future activities.
・Message from Selection Committee Member Ms. Hiroko Matsumoto
・Information provided by Lean Mobility Co., Ltd., a Japanese venture 
   Lectured by Founder and CEO Mr.Akihiro Yanaka
・Summary: Review of the whole event and future plans

■Click here for the report with photos. ■Click here for the slides of the day's presentation: You can see information about the speakers, participating teams, and schools. ■Videos using Zoom etc. will be released at a later date. ■Special website for "Create 2030 by new Mobility" International Workshop ■We are currently looking for sponsors and supporters. If you are interested, please contact us at the address listed below. TEL:+81-50-3375-4937   E-mail Website: * Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV)is recruiting members. Please feel free to contact our secretariat. ●Website: ●Mail ●Membership information page □ Regular Member (for companies): Annual fee: 100,000 yen □ Supporting members (for individuals): Annual fee: 10,000 yen □ Special membership (for government agencies, public offices, and media personnel): Annual fee: Free
To whom it may concern:

 Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content. 

Workshop 1 (WS1) will be held with the teams that passed the selection 
process reported on June 5th.

The details have been decided, so we would like to inform you.

■Date and time: Saturday, June 29, 2024, 10:00 a.m. meeting (doors open),
 end by 6:00 p.m.

■Real venue: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
 Fukutake Hall, University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in 
Information Studies

■Online (Zoom) participation is also possible

■Contents:(Subject to change without notice)
・Organizer self-introduction
・Participating team presentations: All teams will have 5 minutes to
 present their team's proposal.
・Lunch: Lunch boxes will be provided.
・Matching & teaming: The organizers will propose team composition.
・Message from the selection committee
・Workshop: Participants will be split into new teams and given time to
 dig deeper into their proposals.
  Supporters provided by the organizers will be with each team to give
・Announcement of workshop results: Each team will present what they
 discussed in the workshop and their future activities.
・Information provided: Mr. Akihiro Yanaka, founder of Lean Mobility Inc.
 <> , a Japanese venture company, will give a
・Summary: A review of the entire event and future plans will be 

■WS1 content description:
The selection committee will select the ideas that are in line with the 
purpose of the workshop and will hold Workshop 1 (WS1) on June 29th.
The participants will learn about other ideas, learn ways of thinking to 
materialize their ideas, and build teams to deepen their ideas with team 
members and supporters.
We will support activities that lead to Workshop 2 (WS2) and Workshop 3 
(WS3, final) that will be held in the future.

★Participation application★
The "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee is looking for 
Supporters will provide advice to participating students based on their 
own knowledge during WS1 to WS3*.
Please bear the cost of participating yourself.
*Note) WS2 is scheduled to be held at the end of August, and WS3 is 
scheduled to be held from mid- to late October in the Tokyo area.

If you are interested, please send the following email to <workshop@apev.
jp> by Wednesday, June 19th.

Email title: International WS Supporter
Content: Name, affiliated organization, and your knowledge of the 
International WS issue**Note (200 characters or less)
**Note: "Creating 2030 with Mobility" [X-City Proposal]

★Sponsorship wanted★
The "Create 2030 by new Mobility"Executive Committee is looking for 

Sponsorship package is here.(Japanese only)

Interested companies should send the following email to

If you would like to participate in WS1, please send us an email by 
Wednesday, June 19th.
Email title: Regarding sponsorship of the international WS
Content: Name, affiliated organization and department, purpose of 
sponsoring the international WS, (desire to participate in WS1)

We look forward to your cooperation and participation.

"Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee Secretariat
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
  TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
      "Create 2030 by New Mobility" Executive Committee 
      Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric 
Vehicles (APEV)

To whom it may concern:

 Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held an 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, considering that participants are from Generation Z and 
addressing various societal issues such as global warming, the COVID-19 
pandemic, an aging society, digital transformation (DX), and green 
transformation (GX), we are hosting the 6th edition of the "Create 2030 
by New Mobility" International Workshop with a significantly updated 
program content. 
The application deadline was May 17, and we received entries from 13 
domestic teams and 5 international teams. 
After holding the selection meeting on May 29, we have decided that 12 
teams will advance to Workshop 1 (WS1), where they will further delve 
into the themes. 
The results of the selection meeting has sbeen separately announced to 
the representatives of the applicant teams.

*Workshop 1 (WS1) is scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 
the Fukutake Hall, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus.

"Creating 2030 by New Mobility" International Workshop Official Website

We are currently seeking sponsoring companies and supporters. If you 
are interested, please contact us at the address provided at the end.

* The Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) is 
continuously recruiting members. Please feel free to contact the 
●Top Page
●Membership Information Page
  □Regular Member (for companies): Annual Fee of 100,000 yen per 
  □Supporter (for individuals): Annual Fee of 10,000 yen per share
  □Special Member (for government agencies and media): Free Annual 
■Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
To all concerned

Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held a 
"EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 
to 2022.  

In 2024, we are thrilled to announce the 6th edition, titled "[ Create 
2030 by new Mobility] International Workshop," with substantial updates 
to its contents.

Following the kickoff presentation held on February 4th, the pre-
was held on April 20th.I am reporting it with a Video(in Japanese).

We encourage anyone interested in the International WS to take a look.
 We look forward to the participation of many students.

★Pre-workshop ( online via Zoom)★

■Date and time: Saturday , April 20, 2024, 13:00-17:00 (Japan time)

■Title: Speakers and Videos *

1) APEV Introduction: APEV Director Mr. Yoshihiko Kamiaraiso
 /Overview of this workshop, explanation of its purpose, and 
 what participants will gain: APEV Advisor Mr. Kimiya Mochizuki


2) Trend information input: Mr. Takenobu Hyodo of Trinity Co.Ltd.

 *The Video will be sent individually to students and school personnel 
 who are applying or considering applying for the International WS.
 Please send an email to the contact information below with the title
 "Pre- WS Video Request".

3) Message from the selection committee: Mr. Toshiya Ando of X-Style


4) Discussion among participants on the themes 1) to 3) above
  *There is no Video

5) Introduction of CLOMA's activities and overview of movements 
  surrounding plastics: Ms. Minako Shibata of CLOMA


6) Designing personal mobility that doesn't exist in this world:
 WHILL Inc. Mr. Hiroyuki Tsukamoto


7) Overall picture and purpose of this workshop: Mr.Kimiya Mochizuki, 
APEV advisor
 /Message from the selection committee: Automobile critic Ms.Yuko Iida
 /Supporter message: Mr. Kubota and Ms. Ikehata
 /Commemorative photo


★International Workshop Overview★ 
 The details are available here:

■Theme:"Create 2030 by New Mobility" [Proposal for X-City]

■Objective:"Develop integrated human resources who will lead the next 

■Entry Guidelines
 Eligibility: Students,15 to 30 years old (as of April 2024) 
 Entry Fee: Free
 Teams can be formed across schools (Up to 6 people). 
  If you wish to create a team across organizations, please consult 
    with the organizer.
 Participants are required to register on a social media platform 
  specified by the organizer and respond promptly to various information.
 Concept proposals must be submitted in English.(You can also include 
    your native language)

 Minister Awards from Four Japanese Ministries: Four ministries ×
   (100,000 yen + Certificate)
 Sponsor Award: Products provided by the sponsors + certificate

■Organizational structure 
 Selection Committee: Mr. Toshiya Ando from X-Style, 
        Car Critic Ms.Yuko Iida, 
   Professor Hiroko Matsumoto from Joshibi University of Art and 
   Nominees by sponsors, Local Government
 Sponsor Coordination Meeting: Sponsors (Open for Applications)
 Supporters: APEV members, Open call for applications 

■Application for Participation and Concept Proposal Submission
After reading and agreeing to the notes on the  <>, please enter the participants' 
information and your concept proposals in the Google Form below.

Deadline: May 17th, 2024 5:00 p.m. (JST)

■SNS Registration
After submitting the application form, please register on the designated 
social media. If you have a team of multiple people, please be sure to 
have a leader.

The data in B2 size is available here in Japanese.

■The sponsorship packages are available here, in Japanese.

■Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
To all concerned

Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV) has held a "
EV Design Contest for International Students" five times from 2013 to 
In 2024, we are thrilled to announce the 6th edition, titled "[ Create 
2030 by new Mobility] International Workshop," with substantial updates 
to its contents. 
Commencing today, we are now accepting registrations for participants 
and pre-workshop. We sincerely look forward to welcoming each of you to 

◎Please see this pdf for the details below.

★International Workshop Overview:
 The details are available here:

■Theme:"Create 2030 by New Mobility" [Proposal for X-City]

■Objective:"Develop integrated human resources who will lead the next 

■Entry Guidelines
 Eligibility: Students,15 to 30 years old (as of April 2024) 
 Entry Fee: Free
 Teams can be formed across schools (Up to 6 people). 
  If you wish to create a team across organizations, please consult 
with the organizer.
 Participants are required to register on a social media platform 
specified by the organizer and respond promptly to various information.
 Concept proposals must be submitted in English.(You can also include 
your native language)

■Awards (No Grand Prize) (Planned)
 Minister Awards from Four Japanese Ministries: Four ministries ×(
100,000 yen + Certificate)
 Sponsor Award: Products provided by the sponsors + certificate

■Organizational structure 
 Selection Committee: Mr. Toshiya Ando from X-Style, Car Critic Ms.
Yuko Iida, 
   Professor Hiroko Matsumoto from Joshibi University of Art and 
   Nominees by sponsors, Local Government
 Sponsor Coordination Meeting: Sponsors (Open for Applications)
 Supporters: APEV members, Open call for applications 

 Date:April 20th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.(JST)*Including break
 Participation Fee: Free
 Content: You can deepen your understanding of this program by 
participating in the following sessions. 
  Organizers explain about this program and answer questions from 
  The selection committee will deliver messages to participants.
  Supporter organizations will provide useful information for concept 
creation and deliver messages to participants. 
  Networking among participants and sponsors
  Group discussion for concept creation
 How to apply for pre-workshop:
  Seats are limited to 50 applicants maximum, so please apply early! 
  Please fill out the form below:
 Application deadline:April 17th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.(JST)
 Zoom invitation will be sent to participants before April 18th. 

■Application for Participation and Concept Proposal Submission
After reading and agreeing to the notes on the  <>, please enter the participants' 
information and your concept proposals in the Google Form below.
Deadline: May 17th, 2024 5:00 p.m. (JST)

■SNS Registration
After submitting the application form, please register on the designated 
social media. If you have a team of multiple people, please be sure to 
have a leader.

The data in B2 size is available here in Japanese.

■The sponsorship packages are available here, in Japanese.

■Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
  A video has been released: "Create 2030 by New Mobility" International 
Kickoff presentation

<Main text>
To all concerned

Thank you very much for your continued cooperation in our association's 

The Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV) has held 
this event at the YOXO Festival.
At the kick-off presentation of the ""Create 2030 by New Mobility" 
International Workshop.
We would like to inform you that the video is now available.

At this event, we started the workshop in preparation for the results 
presentation and award ceremony to be held in October this year.

We will soon begin recruiting young people from around the world to 
participate and organizations to support us.
We look forward to your participation.


★Anyone can watch the video on YouTube. (About 60 minutes in Japanese)

If you like it, please give it a "thumbs up" and subscribe to the 

★Kickoff presentation
◎Date and time: Sunday, 4th 2024 14:20-15:30
◎Location: YOXO Festival: Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 District I_Hammerhead 
CIQ Hall Stage
◎Event number: I-59
◎Event title: "Let's all draw the future of mobility!!"
Opening Declaration: Moderator Mr.Yoshihiko Kamiaraiso, APEV Director
Greetings:Mr. Nobuhiro Tajima, President of APEV
Participating student announcement: 2022 Grand Prize Winner Mr. Hibiki 
Sakai, Representative of Tokyo Metropolitan University Sakai Mobility 
Systems Team
Selection Committee Message (Video): Selection Committee Joshibi 
University of Art and Design Professor Ms.Hiroko Matsumoto
Message from participating schools: HAL Tokyo Instructor Mr. Naoto 
2024 project explanation: APEV advisor Mr. Kimiya Mochizuki
Question-and-answer session
Greetings: APEV Chairman Mr.Masanori Suzuki
(Commemorative photo with those involved after the event)

★Full report with photos is here

*If you are a news organization and need detailed information, please E-
mail to <> and we will respond.

■Please feel free to contact our office.

*Top page
*Enrollment information page

□Regular member (for companies): Annual membership fee 100,000 yen per 
□Supporting members (for individuals): Annual membership fee: 10,000 yen 
per unit
□Special membership (for administrative agencies, public offices, and 
media personnel): 
           Annual membership fee free

*Inquiries: "Create 2030 by new Mobility" Executive Committee 
Within the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
The University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall

TEL: ∔81-50-3375-4937   E-mail:
Website: Scheduled to open soon
To all concerned

 Thank you very much for your continued cooperation in our association'
s activities.
The Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV) has held 
the " EV Design Contest for International Student " five times from 2013 
to 2022.
In 2024, we will hold the 6th edition with the title "[ Create 2030 by 
new Mobility] International Workshop" and the content has been 
significantly renewed.
The YOXO Festival and the kick-off presentation was held as shown below.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended, 
the organizers, and everyone involved.

At this event, the International Workshop began in preparation for the 
results presentation and award ceremony to be held in October of this 
We will begin recruiting young people from around the world to 
participate and organizations to support us in mid-February, so we look 
forward to your participation.


★What is YOXO Festival?
[Event period] Saturday, February 3, 2024 11:00-19:00 / Sunday, February 
4, 2024 11:00-17:00
[Venue] Minato Mirai area, Shinminato area, Kannai area
[Admission fee] Free 
[Sponsor] Yokohama Future Organization [Co-sponsor] City of Yokohama
◎ Organizer's message: The Yokohama Future Organization is an "
innovation promotion organization"that supports new challengers while 
collaborating with people active in Yokohama and people from Japan and 
abroad.In addition, as a "network promotion organization" and "
innovation area management organization" that coordinates the 
collaboration of human resources and ideas across organizational 
boundaries, we will promote demonstration experiments and social 
implementation that generate innovation in Yokohama as a field, and 
build the city of the future. To go.

★APEV exhibition
◎ Date and time: Saturday, February 3, 2024, 11:00-19:00 / Sunday, 
February 4, 2024, 11:00-17:00
◎Location: YOXO Festival: Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 District I_Hammerhead 
CIQ Hall
◎APEV booth number: I-27
*2024 "[Create 2030 by new Mobility] International Workshop" poster
*2022 winning work poster
*2022 winning works video broadcast: 2022 Grand Prize winnerMr. Hibiki 
Sakai explained his and other works.

◎Distributed items:
*International Student Contest Work Collection 2019, 2022
*"[Create 2030 by new Mobility] International Workshop" flyer
◎Test Drive: Thanks to the generosity of WHILL, we offered two types of 
electric wheelchairs, and they were so popular that there was a long 
line of people.
◎Declaring something good for the global environment! ! : Have visitors 
fill out the heart-shaped stickers donated by Benesse and post them on 
the poster. The family who pasted was presented with an EV memo pad 
donated by Nissan Motors.

★Kickoff presentation
◎Date and time: Sunday, February 4, 2024 14:20-15:30
◎Location: YOXO Festival: Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 District I_Hammerhead 
CIQ Hall Stage
◎Event number: I-59
◎Event title: "Let's all draw the future of mobility!!"
◎Contents of the ceremony: 
Opening Declaration: Moderator Mr.Yoshihiko Kamiaraiso, APEV Director
Greetings: Mr.Nobuhiro Tajima, President of APEV
Participating student announcement: 2022 Grand Prize Winner Mr. Hibiki Sakai, Representative of Tokyo Metropolitan University Sakai Mobility Systems Team Selection Committee Message (Video): Selection Committee Joshibi University of Art and Design Professor Ms.Hiroko Matsumoto Message from participating schools: HAL Tokyo Instructor Mr. Naoto Shiraiwa 2024 project explanation: APEV advisor Mr. Kimiya Mochizuki Question-and-answer session Greetings: APEV Chairman Mr.Masanori Suzuki (Commemorative photo with those involved after the event) ★Full report with photos is here Press_Release_International_Workshop_Launch(EN).pdf * You can download the entire presentation materials here.(Japanese only) *The video will be posted on the APEV website in mid-February. *If you are a news organization and need detailed information, please E- mail to and we will respond. ■Please feel free to contact our office. *Top page *Enrollment information page □Regular member (for companies): Annual membership fee 100,000 yen per unit □Supporting members (for individuals): Annual membership fee: 10,000 yen per unit □Special membership (for administrative agencies, public offices, and media personnel):            Annual membership fee free
To whom it may concern

Thank you for your continued cooperation in our activities.

We are pleased to announce that we have published the "Collection of 
works 2022" as a result of "Social EV Design Contest for International 
Students 2022" (A4 size, 20 pages).

This collection of works serves as a portfolio for all participating 
students, recording their efforts and accomplishments. We have also 
designed it to promote the upcoming 6th contest.

We look forward to your participation, continued support, and 
sponsorship for the 6th contest.

You can download the pdf of the Collection of works 2022 from here.

You can always access the above URL by the following method.

Top page
Go to the contest page from the "Design Contest 2022" banner on the 
right side of the top page.
Click "Works in 2022" in the "Past Works" pull-down on the upper right
*The membership of the Association for the Promotion of EV/PHV/FCV is open to business enterprises which consider the commercialization of their EV/PHV/FCV, or individuals who would like to support the EV/PHV/ FCV industry. *Membership *Please contact: Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles III FUKUTAKE HALL THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN TEL : +81-50-3375-4937 FAX : +81-50-3153-2686 E-MAIL :