May 2022 Archives

We would like to thank you for your continued support. 
The Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV) has 
announced the launch of the fifth "Social EV Design Contest for 
International  students." 
From 2013 to 2019, APEV organized biannual "EV Design Contest for 
International Students" in conjunction with the Tokyo Motor Show. 
In 2021 it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the fifth 
contest will be held with a major revamp in 2022.  

Our aim is to reiterate the fact that the concept of the contest has 
changed significantly from the past four times, and to increase the 
number of applications for students from a wide range of faculties and 
Therefore, as a result of extending the application period and 
shortening the work creation period, the entire schedule has changed as 
follows. (See attach jpg)

To deepen the understanding of the contest.jpg

■ Schedule change
•20th January 2022: Online Press Conference •January-August 2022: The second sponsors sought •14th February 2022: Start of accepting applications •27th March 2022: Pre-workshop •20th June 2022: Deadline for entries •19th July 2022: Deadline for the work for the first screening •1st August 2022: Announcement of the first screening results •10th August 2022: Workshop 1 •5th September 2022: Deadline for the work for the second screening •21st September 2022: Announcement of the second screening results •9th October 2022: Workshop 2 •18th October 2022: The final screening and award ceremony, and APEV symposium* *The collaboration with CEATEC2022 is under consideration. We look forward to your understanding and participation. ■ Design Contest HP: [Administration Office] Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles III FUKUTAKE HALL THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN TEL : +81-50-3375-4937  E-MAIL :

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